Teeth Straightening & Invisalign
Our belief is that orthodontics is often the best solution for smile enhancements and it is often the basis of our ‘smile designs’ here at Oaktree. We offer almost all the treatment options available on the market to straighten teeth and can therefore provide you with a completely unbiased view on which is most appropriate to straighten your teeth.
OFFER: Free tooth whitening with any orthodontic treatment!
Our services for you
- Call us today for a FREE consultation
- Choose from a variety of options:
- Invisalign
- Six Month Smiles
- Inman Aligner
- Payment by credit/debit card possible
- 0% 12 months interest free finance
Patient Cases
Case 1: 8 months lower crowding alignment with Invisalign
Case 2: 12 months treatment with Invisalign
Case 3: 9 Months treatment with Invisalign
Case 4: Whitening and Invisalign
Case 5:
Free Consultations
To book your free consultation please call us on 01189333121 or click here to book online.
Questions about our services?
For General Smile Enquiries email us at: reception@oaktreedentalmortimer.co.uk
For Invisalign Specific enquiries email us at: aestheticsmiledesign@gmail.com